Shodankeh Johnson is part of the Core Team of New Generations. He is responsible for the mobilization of intercessors across all regions and the training of Disciple Making Movement (DMM) leaders in the 'pioneer places' where the gospel has never been or has never flourished. In addition, Shodankeh provides DMM training for movement-minded ministries around the world.

Shodankeh is also the leader of New Harvest ministries in Sierra Leone, West Africa. New Harvest is an indigenous DMM organization that plants churches throughout the region and incorporates a wide spectrum of ministries such as compassion, business development, leadership development, skills training and advanced education.


Curtis Sergeant: Scripture in Disciple Making Movements
Shodankeh Johnson: God's Word Can Change a Country
Day / Time: Wednesday, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Location: Auditorium

Track Session 1: Radical Dependence or Self-Reliance? Leaning on the Presence of God for the Work of God
Shodankeh Johnson is an international Disciple Making Movement leader who has learned the importance of prayer as it relates to making disciples who make disciples. Paul Huyghebaert and Shodankeh will share in an open conversation about prayer, fasting, and breaking down the strongholds of the enemy.
Time: Wednesday, 8:15pm – 9:15pm
Location: B224
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson and Paul Huyghebaert

Track Session 2: The Critical Role of Prayer and Fasting in Disciple Making Movements
Hear from Shodankeh Johnson, leader of a large and growing Disciple Making Movement in West Africa! Traders Point Discipleship Pastor, Bart Shaw will interview Shodankeh as he shares insights into the true fuel in disciple making (prayer and fasting) and steps you can take to start today!
Time: Thursday, 9:00am – 10:00am
Location: Auditorium
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson and Bart Shaw

Track Session 4: Panel Discussion
An Open Conversation About the Hope for the North American Church and Disciple Making Movements
Time: Thursday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: B224
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson, Curtis Sergeant, Josh Howard, and Paul Huyghebaert

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