Bart Shaw serves as a Campus Pastor for Trader Point's North Campus in Carmel, IN. He also serves as the Discipleship Pastor for Traders Point, working to further architect and implement their Discipleship Pathway. Bart has 20 years of ministry experience in discipleship and teaching roles, the past 6 with Traders Point. Originally from northern Indiana, Bart, Brooke and their two boys call central Indiana home (largely due to less snow, yet despite the fact there is still no beach)! Bart has earned degrees from Purdue University (B.A.) and Ashland Theological Seminary (M.Div.). He has worked with Cru,, Leadership Network, and 3DM to grow skills and passion toward making disciples.


Track Session 2: The Critical Role of Prayer and Fasting in Disciple Making Movements
Hear from Shodankeh Johnson, leader of a large and growing Disciple Making Movement in West Africa! Traders Point Discipleship Pastor, Bart Shaw will interview Shodankeh as he shares insights into the true fuel in disciple making (prayer and fasting) and steps you can take to start today!
Time: Thursday, 9:00am – 10:00am
Location: Auditorium
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson and Bart Shaw

Track Session 4: How We Are Making Disciples at Traders Point
Join Traders Point Pastors Aaron Brockett and Bart Shaw as they discuss how they are working to make disciples in their context, as well as sharing practical tools and next steps for you and your church.
Time: Thursday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: Auditorium
Speakers: Aaron Brockett and Bart Shaw

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