Curtis Sergeant: Scripture in Disciple Making Movements
Shodankeh Johnson: God's Word Can Change a Country
Day / Time: Wednesday, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Location: Auditorium
Track Session 2: Clarity and Urgency Concerning the Disciple Making Mission
Curtis Sergeant was a Disciple Making Movement leader in South China, and is now seeking to catalyze Movements in the United States. Paul Huyghebaert will interview Curtis about the need to rediscover a genuine urgency tied to the mission of God.
Time: Thursday, 9:00am – 10:00am
Location: B224
Speakers: Curtis Sergeant and Paul Huyghebaert
Track Session 4: Panel Discussion
An Open Conversation About the Hope for the North American Church and Disciple Making Movements
Time: Thursday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: B224
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson, Curtis Sergeant,
Josh Howard, and Paul Huyghebaert