Josh has been living in India since 2008 and has a passion to see the Kingdom of God spread throughout the world. He desires to raise up disciples who make disciples, leaders who create leaders, and churches that plant churches. In order to see this happen, Josh is overseeing the church planting school at Central India Christian Mission (CICM), which prepares church planters to go to unreached areas in India and the surrounding countries. In 2015, he launched a branch of the ministry called "Ignite," which has seen over 16,000 churches started in about 8 years through movements of multiplication, including over 8,000 churches in 2022. He has a Master of Arts in Missional Church Movements from Wheaton College and is the co-author of the book Christian Extremism: A Life Worth Dying For and of the book Igniting Movements: Multiplying Churches in Dark Places. Besides God's grace through Jesus, He is most thankful for his wife Lashi, his two sons, Josiah and Jeremiah, and his daughter Zara.


Track Session 3: Multiplication and Decentralization
Josh Howard is a leader within Disciple Making Movements and Church Planting Movements in India. Josh's story is compelling, as he made the shift from a traditional church model, to one that truly embraces decentralized movement of the gospel through disciple-making. Paul Huyghebaert and Josh will engage in an honest conversation about the North American Church and the barrier of created by centralized thinking.
Time: Thursday, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Location: B224
Speakers: Josh Howard and Paul Huyghebaert

Track Session 4: Panel Discussion
An Open Conversation About the Hope for the North American Church and Disciple Making Movements
Time: Thursday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: B224
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson, Curtis Sergeant, Josh Howard, and Paul Huyghebaert

Alice Matagora: God's Word and Brokenness
Josh Howard: Scripture, Making Disciples, and Hope (What I Have Seen God Do in India, What God Can Do in the USA)
Day / Time: Thursday, 4:45pm – 6:15pm
Location: Auditorium

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