David has been the Director of Global Mobilization for E3 Partners for the last 4 years. In that time, E3 has been able to send over 100 people to global hub cities to catalyze over 65,000 new churches being started. David has been training and equipping Church Planters in a North America context for 12 years using Biblical, Simple and Reproducing tools. He has a heart for the Unreached People groups and those that are far from God.
He is married to Rebekah, his high-school sweetheart, and has 4 amazing and wonderful children (William, Gracie, Belle, and Noah). His heart for church planting comes from over 15 years of prayer, experience, and study in the ministry. He first began as youth pastor in Huntsville, AL and then moved on to e3 Partners to become the International Director for Students.
He also started City Church Network which began in 2011 with a vision to birth a church planting movement in Nashville, TN that would successfully spread the gospel among all refugee and immigrant communities in the city. David's hope is that someday Nashville will be known as a light unto the nations (Isaiah 49:6).
Track Session 1: A Culture of Big Vision
This session will help your church develop a God-sized vision for peoples and places locally and globally. It will also provide next steps and ongoing coaching in this process.
Time: Wednesday, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Location: B109
Speakers: Josh Howard and David Kaufmann
Track Session 4: A Culture of WIG Take
To reach cities and complete regions for Jesus, we need to develop a "What's It Going to Take" mindset as leaders and guide the people of our churches to do the same. The development of that culture demands seeking Jesus like never before and laying down our lives in absolute surrender. It also involves ongoing teaming, training, and coaching of the church to initiate disciple making movements in our cities and beyond. This session will help you see the scope and sequence of this WIG Take mentality and provide next steps to grow in this area.
Time: Thursday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: B109
Speakers: Josh Howard and David Kaufmann
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