Bryan King lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with his wife Michal and three children where he serves as Mobilization Minister with Cedar Ridge Christian Church and Asia Mobilization Coordinator with e3 Partners Ministry. Bryan loves seeing the church engaged with the mission of God from their neighborhoods to the nations. Over the past five years as the Cedar Ridge community has embraced disciple-making movement principles and practices, Bryan and other local leaders have pioneered a zero budget missionary training residency program aimed at equipping ordinary believers in the local church context to join Jesus' mission. In addition to mobilizing bivocational disciple makers and simple church planters for the local context, these year-long residency programs have launched five families to catalyze movements in the unreached world. These residencies are now being multiplied in other cities in the US and even in Asia. Bryan is a graduate of Ozark Christian College and Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions. Bryan has served as a pastor in the local church for 15 years and also served cross culturally in Mexico City for seven years.


Track Session 2: A Culture of Ancient Pathways
This session will rediscover Jesus' pathway of Kingdom expansion and help you examine your church's disciple making process in light of His pathway. You will be provided with concrete steps to help your church move toward clear modern day pathways that mirror ancient ways. You will also be provided clear next steps and ongoing coaching.
Time: Thursday, 8:00am – 9:00am
Location: B109
Speakers: Josh Howard and Bryan King

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