Justin Gravitt is a nationally trusted disciple making leader. He has devoted his life to making disciples of Jesus, who multiply generationally, to reach the world. Justin’s primary way of accomplishing this global mission is local. Since returning as a missionary in SE Asia in 2014, he has directed the Dayton Disciple Makers Network, a denominationally diverse network of local churches which he co-founded. The network partners together to develop a local movement of disciple making from the church to the culture. Additionally, Justin reaches out globally through his writing. He currently blogs at justingravitt.com and partnered with discipleship.org to write the popular ebook, The Foundation of a Disciple Making Culture. He also hosts the Practitioners’ Podcast.

Justin has served with The Navigators for over twenty years. In that time, he’s developed disciple-making cultures in Texas, Ohio, and SE Asia. His current role with Navigators Church Ministries draws on his experience with everyday believers in both multi-cultural and multi-ethnic contexts. This diverse experience gives him insightful solutions to the church’s challenge of effective disciple making practices in the local church. The goal for each church is clear — to develop a culture of disciple makers who are sent out into every facet of our culture and world.

Justin and wife Kristen live with their four children in Dayton, Ohio. To learn more, contact Justin, or to support this ministry visit WWW.JUSTINGRAVITT.COM.


Track Session 2: The Foundation of a Disciplemaking Culture
Foundation building is step #1 in your church’s disciple making process. Churches that make disciples without building the foundation are depending on an upside-down pyramid to stand firm. Such “Fire, Aim, Ready” approaches result in short-term impact followed by long-term grasping. This session focuses on how to build a foundation that will support the weight of disciple making in your church.
Time: Thursday, 8:00am – 9:00am
Location: Temple
Speakers: Justin Gravitt

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