A Clemson University graduate, Donnie came to Atlanta in 1983 to start a career in banking. He served ten years as a banker while also being an active member of First Baptist Church of Atlanta (FBA). In 1987, Donnie was introduced to The Navigators through FBA's Discipleship Ministry. After five years of intensive discipleship training, Donnie assumed the lay leadership position of FBA's Discipleship Ministry. In November 1994, Donnie was invited to join FBA's full-time staff as its College Ministry Coordinator and was eventually given the additional responsibilities of directing FBA's Evangelism, Discipleship, and Recreation Ministries. In August of 1997, Donnie accepted the call to pastor West Merritts Baptist Church, which is now known as Grace Midtown Church in Atlanta. Having a passion for working with young people and developing next generation leaders, Donnie accepted an invitation to join The Navigators Collegiate Ministry and started the Navigators campus ministry at Georgia Tech in June 1999.

After serving with the Navigators Collegiate Ministry for eleven years, Donnie was invited to join the Navigators Church Ministries (NCM) mission in September 2011 where he currently serves as Associate Director and leads NCM's Growing intentional Disciplemaking Cultures Initiative (GiDC). In addition to his roles with NCM, Donnie serves as a Life, Leadership, and Cultural Development Coach for ministry leaders, business leaders, and young adults. Donnie and his wife, Valerie, also enjoy the privilege of sharing their "15 F's of Marriage Discovery Series" with couples who are considering engagement, or are already engaged, and seek assistance in preparing for the blessings and challenges of marriage.

Donnie, and his wife, Valerie, are the proud parents of three young adult children, Brittni (27 years old), Brianna (24 years old), and Brock (22 years old). Donnie enjoys coaching high school basketball and baseball as well as learning about the art of leadership and coaching.


Track Session 1: Growing intentional Disciplemaking Cultures (GIDC) Process
Want to send everyday disciplemakers from your church to transform their everywhere? It all starts with a culture that's aligned with Jesus and aimed at the lost. Join this session for an overview of the Growing intentional Disciplemaking Cultures (GIDC) Process that churches are implementing throughout the U.S. and beyond.
Time: Wednesday, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Location: Temple
Speakers: Donnie Hoover

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