Dawn Whitestone (MA, LMHC) currently serves as the Director of the Deeper Walk School of Ministry. She is also the Founding Partner & Chief Growth Catalyst at WhiteStone Professionals.

Dawn's passion for joyful living is rooted in a strong family, vibrant faith, and familiarity with suffering. Her personal experiences with divorce, deaths of loved ones, and family illness give her a compassion that undergirds her love for life and passion for people. Dawn fills her joy bucket spending time with her husband John, their children, and friends, in Lakeland, FL.


Track Session 3: How Neuroscience Transforms the Disciple Making Process
People enter the Kingdom with a range of maturity levels, relational skills, and knowledge. We need transformation and growth plans that go beyond one-size-fits-all paradigms. In this session, we'll look at the five levels of disciple making according to the Bible and the brain science of maturity.
Time: Thursday, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location: B111
Speakers: Marcus Warner and Dawn Whitestone

Track Session 4: On Mission WITH Jesus: Listening Prayer & Spiritual Warfare in Disciple Making
Do you know how to practice discernment? Do you know how to handle spiritual warfare when it shows up? In this session, we will give practical tools for conversational prayer and spiritual warfare basics - especially as relates to the disciple making process.
Time: Thursday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: B111
Speakers: Marcus Warner, Dawn Whitestone, and Duane Sherman

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