Track Session 1: The Biblical Basis for Grandparenting
This session will focus on what the Bible says about grandparenting and the duties of grandparents.
Time: Wednesday, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Location: B108
Speakers: George Posthumus
Track Session 2: Building Relationships as Grandparents
This session will focus on the importance of grandparenting with grace — modeling Christ — full of grace and truth.
Time: Thursday, 8:00am – 9:00am
Location: B108
Speakers: George Posthumus
Track Session 3: Helping Grandchildren Navigate Their Culture
This session will focus on truth: Helping grandchildren understand and avoid the error — you get to choose your own truth.
Time: Thursday, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location: B108
Speakers: George Posthumus
Track Session 4: Overcoming Grandparenting Barriers
This session will focus on overcoming geographical, relational, and spiritual distances common in relationships of grandparents with grandchildren.
Time: Thursday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: B108
Speakers: George Posthumus