Anthony has served in ministry for 21 years, primarily in preaching and lead minister roles. His passion is serving leadership teams to build great culture and strategy that empowers every member to be a disciple maker. Anthony serves as our Executive Director and oversees all our content development.


Track Session 3: The Habits That Fuel on Mission Living
Jesus grew. That means Jesus developed. He practiced habits to be the person He was. Come explore the timeless disciplines of Jesus that fueled him to live on mission. We will have interactive discussion, guided reflection, and share practical tools that empower you, the leader, to practice the SKILLS of Jesus that fuel on mission living, and equip your people to do the same.
Time: Thursday, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location: B105
Speakers: Chip Pugh and Anthony Rex

Track Session 4: The Model That Fuels on Mission Living
Teaching is an essential aspect of the Great Commission. But it doesn't stop there. Teaching is designed to lead to training. Helping your people believe the right things opens the door to discipleship of Jesus, but helping them be trained in the ways of Jesus is where transformation happens. In this session we'll explore a model for combining teaching and training that every one can use and will unleash On Mission living in your church.
Time: Thursday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: B105
Speakers: Chip Pugh and Anthony Rex

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