Dr. Ron Braley was a military man who retired from the Air Force many years ago. He's pretty good at computers, networking, and cybersecurity — all of which he has done for the past four decades. More importantly, he's an ordained theologian whose first love is his Creator and heavenly Father. His wife, four children, and four grandchildren are next!
Ron earned a Master of Divinity degree from Regent University in 2018 and a Doctor of Ministry from the same school in 2021. Two organizations (International Ministerial Fellowship and Cell Life Church) have ordained him.
He has been a pastor and is a chaplain, and a disciple-maker continually engaged in one-on-one discipleship relationships. He founded Finding Discipleship (www.findingdiscipleship.org) in 2010 and, through it, trains disciple-makers and church leaders and has spoken and taught in the United States and abroad.
Ron loves to research and write about the things of God and has published From Butts [in the Pews] to Be-Attitudes: Turning Consumers into Disciples (2023). He published Finding the End of the World in 2011. The book Beyond Religion: Answering Tough Questions About God and Christianity will be next!
When he's not contemplating, discipling, writing, or teaching, you'll find him fishing or playing the guitar or lute. Visit www.ronbraley.com and www.findingdiscipleship.org to learn more about Ron and his work.
Track Session 1: The First 90 Days for New and Renewed Believers
There is a difference between foundational and formational disciplemaking. Not understanding this difference creates a faulty beginning for new followers of Jesus. This track defines and discusses foundational discipleship while asking this question, "If you were to disciple a new believer, knowing that 80% walk away in the first three months, would you know exactly what to do?"
Time: Wednesday, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Location: B204
Speakers: Grant Edwards and Dr. Ron Braley
Track Session 2: Growing a Discipleship Culture in Your Church Through "LampPost Strategy"
We will discuss how to grow a discipleship culture in your church (we call it LampPost Strategy), where discipling others, one-to-one, will become a way of life, resulting in more committed Jesus-followers and disciple-makers in your congregation. Your church will then influence other churches and missions to grow discipleship cultures as well.
Time: Thursday, 8:00am – 9:00am
Location: B204
Speakers: Grant Edwards and Dr. Ron Braley
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