Tim Brown is an author, speaker, disciple-maker and the founder of REUP Mens Movement, a non-profit Christian ministry focused on encouraging, equipping and empowering men to be who God made them to be in their leadership of their family, church, and community.
REUP has partnered with churches across the country to assist them in building a disciple making culture and has recently launched a movement in Australia. Tim’s resource, IDENTITY: Don't You Know Who You Are? has been used to transform thousands of men.
Tim has an amazing passion for biblical manhood in our culture, and believes a man’s identity in Christ is the most important truth a man can ever learn. His book God And A Man has had a profound ripple effect in creating a desire for men to learn what is a Biblical man. Tim desires to see the next generations of men grasp who they are in Christ and start kicking the enemy around!
He extends hope and inspiration to guys through the weekly REUP Men’s Podcast centered around practical truths that help men deal with the pain and challenges in our MANDEMIC world.
Tim and REUP believe that the key to transforming the lives of men is helping them learn how to give God time enough so He can teach them enough so they can learn enough to trust Him enough to let Him live His life through them and change the world.
Tim and his wife Mylinda live in Bowling Green, Ky. They have two adult sons and the most amazing four grandkids. Tim and Mylinda love hanging out with and investing in younger men and women. They also love sitting in lounge chairs around their pool or at the beach soaking up each others company!
Track Session 1: Why We Can't Answer the Question
We will look at the reasons why men in the church can't answer the question.
Time: Wednesday, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Location: B110
Speakers: Tim Brown
Track Session 2: Discovering the First Truth of a Biblical Man
We will unpack and validate the first foundational truth of a Biblical man.
Time: Thursday, 8:00am – 9:00am
Location: B110
Speakers: Tim Brown
Track Session 3: Discovering the Second Truth of a Biblical Man
We will unpack and validate the second foundational truth of a Biblical man.
Time: Thursday, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location: B110
Speakers: Tim Brown
Track Session 4: Discovering the Third Truth of a Biblical Man
We will unpack and validate the third foundational truth of a Biblical man.
Time: Thursday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: B110
Speakers: Tim Brown
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