Dan is the lead pastor at Calvary Chapel Oceanside, in Oceanside California where he has been serving for over 16 years. He has been married to his wife Nicole for 19 years and they have 4 amazing children together — Qorban, Bryden, Elias, and Savanna. Aside from his role as lead pastor and teacher, Dan has a passion for seeing people trained up to be disciple-making leaders. Dan found his passion for making disciple-makers through his discovery of The Bonhoeffer Project in 2019 when a friend asked him to attend the National Disciple Making Forum. Since this discovery, Dan has dedicated his life to the pursuit of seeing the Great Commission come to fruition in every aspect of his life and ministry.
Dan holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from CCBC and is currently pursuing his Master's Degree in Ministry Leadership at Wheaton College.
Track Session 1: Discipleship: Building a Culture, Not a Curriculum
Creating a discipleship culture in our churches is a nonnegotiable for believers. Too often, Christians fail to count the cost of engaging in God's Kingdom work. Discipleship is long, sometimes difficult, but very rewarding process. Join us as we walk through a time, treasure, and talent cost/benefit analysis of real, Jesus-style discipleship, and the cost of not discipling at all.
Time: Wednesday, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Location: C103
Speakers: Dan Leitz
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