I grew up in 70's and 80's in Murfreesboro, TN with two brothers and cousins next door. Our house backed up to my grandparents' farm, so I could walk through the pasture to hang out with my grandmother, who became my very best friend. This explains my deep fondness for canning, cows, blackberry vines, and barbed-wire fencing.

My husband, David, and I hit the 30-year mark in marriage in May of 2022. We've raised two kids, Emma and Houston, and four dogs during those precious years. When you tell the story of meeting at 18 and marrying during college to your kids enough times, it should come as no surprise when they follow suit! Emma married Thomas Goodwyn in 2018 and Houston married Katelyn Groen in 2020. Emma and Thomas have two girls: one sunshiny bundle of energy with the best brunette curls, Dottie Lou, and a blue-eyed baby born on New Year's Day of this year, Anna Bleu.

As a homeschool mom of two grown children, it's probably no surprise that I love to teach. David and I have been co-teaching parenting classes for over 25 years, and we currently teach a weekly marriage and family class at our local church.

These days I speak and write for Renew.org, a network of churches, leaders, and lay people, dedicated to providing sound theology, leadership skills, and mentoring. Male and Female: A Biblical Look at Gender is my latest work that was released in April 2023. I also co-host the Just Ask Your Mom weekly podcast with my lifelong friend, Bonnie Blaylock. We've lived life, made mistakes, and learned some lessons. We discuss everything from toddlers to teens, sex to forgiveness, in-laws to social media, and more. You can find us on Apple and Spotify or at justaskyourmom.com.


MAIN SESSION/FORUM 2: Key Beliefs and Values in a Disciple Making Culture
Ashlee Catizon: Discipling People Into Radical Change (Repentance and True Discipleship)
Renée Sproles: Disciple Making Requires Relationship
Day / Time: Wednesday, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Location: Worship Center

Track Session 2: How I Disciple Women
Renée will share from her personal experience in discipling women. She will highlight the unique questions, challenges, and needs of young women today.
Time: Thursday, 8:00am – 9:00am
Location: B203
Speakers: Renée Sproles

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