Shodankeh Johnson is part of the Core Team of New Generations. He is responsible for the mobilization of intercessors
across all regions and the training of Disciple Making Movement (DMM) leaders in the 'pioneer places' where the gospel has never been or has never flourished. In addition,
Shodankeh provides DMM training for movement-minded ministries around the world.
Shodankeh is also the leader of New Harvest ministries in Sierra Leone, West Africa. New Harvest is an indigenous DMM organization that plants churches throughout the
region and incorporates a wide spectrum of ministries such as compassion, business development, leadership development, skills training and advanced education.
MAIN SESSION/FORUM 3: Practices and Behaviors in a Disciple Making Culture
Jason Shepperd: Our Disciple Making Practices at the Church Project
Shodankeh Johnson: Prioritize Practices and Disciplines
Day / Time: Thursday, 9:15am – 10:45am
Location: Worship Center
Track Session 4: Discipleship and the Demonic
Many people have questions about spiritual warfare today. Shodankeh will share the realities of dealing with the demonic, and how to be effective in that realm.
Time: Thursday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: Worship Center
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson
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